Wednesday, September 28, 2011

New Anti Virus software being pushed today

You may have noticed that your computer has a new piece of software on it today.


TLC is sending Microsoft Forefront out to every PC in the district today. If you restart your computer it should self-install. ( I imagine this is part of the cause of slow speeds today while using the internet). Please know that this is not a malicious piece of software that accidentally popped up, but rather a piece of district approved software which needs to remain on your computer.

October Monthly Maintenance

October is nearly here and so is your first official dose of Monthly Maintenance.


I've posted the Maintenance schedule on Live. I will continue to post each schedule there as we move throughout the school year. If the day scheduled for you or your teams laptops is not the best day or time for you please let me know so we can make adjustments. With the document being stored on Live, I can make instant changes that are viewable by everyone.


Click here to view the October maintenance schedule


This round of maintenance we will focus on installing Office 2010, a new track pad driver, and installing any required software updates.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Directly connect to the student server

When experiencing issues with the students being able to connect to their section of the server (often referred to as the Z drive) use the following steps to directly connect to an individuals section of the server:


  1.  Click on the start icon


2.     In the search bar enter in \\hx-vm\students\2016\student username  (example: \\hx-vm\students\2016\ka011398)

Please note: in this example I used 2016, which is the class' graduating year, this number will alter depending on the grade level.


3.      Then press the enter key.

4.     This will automatically bring up the students shared section of the server so that they can pull their files off of the server to work on and save the file back into the server.


Please remind your students that they should be saving to at least 3 of the 4 places that we've setup for them.


Save to the Computer

Save to a thumbdrive

Save to the server

Save to Windows Live


This will ensure that your students do not have the opportunity to "lose" their work.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Add a printer while the print server is down

Adding printers while the print server is down.pdf Download this file

Download the PDF and use the directions within to have your students add printers while the print server is down.